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Practice Directions

Practice directions are procedural guidelines issued by the President of the Children's Court of Victoria.

Practice directions 2024

1 of 2024 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005

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Practice Directions 2023

3 of 2023 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (REVOKED)
2 of 2023 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 
1 of 2023 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005

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Practice Directions 2022

5 of 2022 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
4 of 2022 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
3 of 2022 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
2 of 2022 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
1 of 2022 Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (REVOKED)

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Practice Directions 2021

15 of 2021 - Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
14 of 2021 - Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (REVOKED)
13 of 2021 - Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
12 of 2021 - Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
11 of 2021 - Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
10 of 2021 - Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
9 of 2021- Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
8 of 2021 - Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (reissued)
7 of 2021 - Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
6 of 2021 Family Division - Child Protection Proceedings
5 of 2021 Response to the lockdown for 3 June - 10 June 2021
4 of 2021 Response to the 7 day lockdown 27 May-3 June 2021
3 of 2021 Family violence - Intervention orders
2 of 2021 Criminal Division proceedings
1 of 2021 Family Division - Koori Family Hearing Day: Marram-Ngala Ganbu sitting at Broadmeadows and Shepparton (REVOKED)

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Practice Directions 2020

15 of 2020 Family Division – Child protection proceedings – COVID-19 emergency protocol (REVOKED)
14 of 2020 Family Division – Child protection proceedings – COVID-19 readiness hearings (REVOKED)
13 of 2020 Criminal Division – COVID-19 – Diversion
12 of 2020 COVID-19 – Method by which hearings are to be held
11 of 2020 Criminal Division – COVID-19
10 of 2020 Family Division – COVID-19 protocols (REVOKED)
9 of 2020 Family Division – COVID-19 emergency protocol
8 of 2020 Intervention order applications – COVID-19
7 of 2020 Intervention order applications – COVID-19
6 of 2020 Family Division – COVID-19 emergency protocol – Readiness hearings and the reintroduction of reserved submissions
5 of 2020 Criminal Division – COVID-19 – Unopposed bail variation (REVOKED)
4 of 2020 Criminal Division – COVID-19 – Diversion
3 of 2020 Intervention order applications – COVID-19
2 of 2020 Criminal Division – COVID-19
1 of 2020 Family Division – COVID-19 emergency protocol

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Practice Directions 2019

1 of 2019 Criminal Division – Sunshine Custody Listings

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Practice Directions 2018

8 of 2018 Criminal Division - Moorabbin Custody Listings
7 of 2018 Fast Track Remand Court
6 of 2018 Intermediary Pilot Program at Melbourne Children's Court (REVOKED)
5 of 2018 Subpoenas relating to confidential communications (REVOKED)
4 of 2018 Sexual Offences - Summary Contest Listings (including Forms A and B) (REVOKED)
3 of 2018 Child protection application filed at regional venues where a child has been placed in emergency care (REVOKED)
2 of 2018 Procedure for Indictable Offences that may be heard and determined summarily
1 of 2018 Operates until 31 December 2018. Extended by practice Direction 1 of 2019

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Practice Directions 2017

2 of 2017 Fast Track Remand Court
1 of 2017 Family Division - Appearance of in-custody adults by audio visual link (REVOKED)

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Practice Directions 2016

6 of 2016 Criminal Division - Sunshine Custody Listings
5 of 2016 (Revoked by Practice Direction 3 of 2018) Protection Applications in Regional Venues Where a Child is Placed in Emergency Care.
4 of 2016 Broadmeadows Children's Court - Koori Family Hearing Day - Marram-Ngala Ganbu
3 of 2016 Listing of Matters in the Children's Koori Court (Criminal Division) at Melbourne
2 of 2016 Melbourne Children's Court - Children in Custody Attending Court (including Form A and Form B)
1 of 2016 Criminal Division - Sunshine Custody Listings

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Practice Directions 2015

6 of 2015 Family Division - Broadmeadows Children's Court (REVOKED)
5 of 2015 Criminal Division - Sunshine Custody Listings
4 of 2015 Expansion of the D List (REVOKED)
3 of 2015 Subpoena Documents (REVOKED)
2 of 2015 Filing of appearances - Melbourne, Moorabbin and Broadmeadows (REVOKED)
1 of 2015 Criminal Division - Sunshine Custody Listings

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Practice Directions 2014

6 of 2014 Moorabbin Children's Court - Applications arising out of children placed into emergency care (REVOKED)
5 of 2014 This Practice Direction has been revoked
4 of 2014 Criminal Division - Sunshine Custody Listings
3 of 2014 Family Division - Filing of Reports (REVOKED)
2 of 2014 Family Division - Filing of Conditions - Use of Form (REVOKED)
1 of 2014 Family Division Section 162(1)(d) Pilot Specialist List - Established as Ongoing Specialist List (REVOKED)

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Practice Directions 2013

5 of 2013 Melbourne Children's Court - Protection Applications by Placing a Child in Emergency Care (REVOKED)
4 of 2013 Melbourne Children's Court - Protection Applications by Safe Custody (REVOKED)
3 of 2013 Melbourne Children's Court - Remand Hearings and Bail Applications after 2.00pm
2 of 2013 Melbourne Children's Court - Court 2 Protocol
1 of 2013 Family Division Section 162(1)(d) Pilot Specialist List - Extension

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Practice Directions 2012

4 of 2012 Family Division Section 162(1)(d) Pilot Specialist List
3 of 2012 Listings - Melbourne Children's Court (including Attachment A - Matters for Direction) (REVOKED)
2 of 2012 Authority to Provide Digital Recordings of Proceedings (including request form) (REVOKED)
1 of 2012 Melbourne Children's Court - Court 2 Protocol

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Practice Directions 2011

Practice Note 1 of 2011 New Model Conferences

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Practice Directions 2010

Practice Note 1 of 2010 New Model Conferences

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Practice Directions 2009

2 of 2009 (Revoked by Practice Direction 4 of 2018) Sexual Offences - Summary Contest Listings (including Forms A and B)
1 of 2009 Sexual Offences List - Melbourne Children's Court (REVOKED)

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Practice Directions 2008

Practice Note 1 of 2008 Applications by Apprehension

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Practice Directions 2007

2 of 2007 Sexual Offences List - Country Children's Courts - Witness Summonses - Confidential Communications (REVOKED)
1 of 2007 Sexual Offences List - Country Children's Courts (REVOKED)

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Practice Directions 2006

6 of 2006 Interstate Transfer of Child Protection Orders (REVOKED)
5 of 2006 Adjournments (REVOKED)
4 of 2006 Provision of Witness Lists in Family Division (REVOKED)
3 of 2006 Preparation of Chronologies in Family Division Matters (REVOKED)
2 of 2006 Consent Orders (REVOKED)
1 of 2006 Authority to Provide Copies of Recordings of Proceedings

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