The Criminal Division hears matters relating to criminal offending by children and young persons.
Criminal Division

All children in metropolitan Melbourne now have access to a specialist Children’s Court.
13 December 2024
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Criminal cases
These pages contain information on hearing types and court processes in criminal cases.
See all topicsKoori Court
The Children's Koori Court deals with young Koori people who have been found guilty of committing a criminal offence.
Group Conferencing
The program aims to divert young people from further or more serious offending. It brings together those involved or affected by an offence in an aim to strengthen support structures around the young person and identify ways the young person can make amends for harm done as a result of their offending.
Youth Diversion Service
The program operates to divert young people away from the criminal justice system where possible and appropriate, encouraging the young person to accept responsibility for their unlawful behaviour, putting in place activities for the young person to address the harm caused and assisting with their rehabilitation.
Education Justice Initiative
The Education Justice Initiative works to connect young people with supported education or training pathways in order to improve their educational engagement and outcomes and reduce offending.