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Education Justice Initiative

The Victorian Government’s Education Justice Initiative (EJI) is a program run by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and supported by the Children’s Court of Victoria. It re/connects young people appearing before the Criminal Division of the Children’s Court with supported educational pathways that suit their needs and interests.


The Education Justice Initiative (EJI) is available to:

  • young people who are 10–17 years of age; and
  • who currently have a matter before the Criminal Division of a Children’s Court at locations listed in the table below, or any Koori Children’s Court.
Children’s Courts with Education Justice Initiative service
Melbourne*, Ballarat
Warrnambool*, Portland** Hamilton** Geelong*
Sunshine, Werribee
LaTrobe Valley*, Bairnsdale*, Sale
Frankston, Moorabbin
Mildura*, Swan Hill, Robinvale
Bendigo, Heidelberg
Shepparton*, Wodonga, Benalla

* Mainstream Children’s Court and Koori Children’s Court in the area.

** Koori Children’s Court only 

Referral Process

On receipt of a referral, EJI will work with the young person and their family or support person and / or case worker, to link with the most appropriate school, education or training provider.

The information provided on this form may be disclosed to the school, other education or service providers or other parts of the Department of Education and Training (DET) to support the young person’s enrolment and to ensure the young person can be appropriately supported with their education or training pathway.

Information collected by EJI will be stored securely on DET systems. Only authorised personnel will have access to this information.

Referring to EJI

EJI accepts referrals from:

  • young people and their families
  • magistrates
  • Victoria Police
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety (for example, Youth Justice and Children’s Court Youth Diversion Service)
  • Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (for example, child protection)
  • other relevant support services the young person may be involved with (for example, youth workers, drug and alcohol services, housing services)
  • legal representatives
  • past schools or training providers
  • other Department of Education staff.

To make a referral to EJI 

If you know of a young person who meets the eligibility criteria who is interested in receiving support from EJI, please discuss the referral with them/their family/carer and complete an EJI referral form (Department of Education website)(link is external), to the best of your ability. Please ensure the child (if the child is a mature minor), or the child’s parent or legal guardian (in any other case), has read, understood and signed this form.