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Family Division Appeals

Appeals to the Supreme Court

If the President of the Children's Court or a magistrate grants or refuses an application for an interim accommodation order, a party to the proceeding may appeal against that order to the Supreme Court.

A party to a proceeding may appeal on a question of law from a final order of the Family Division to the Supreme Court.

See the
Supreme Court of Victoria’s website(link is external) for contact information.

It is recommended that legal advice be obtained prior to lodging an appeal.

Review of a Judicial Registrar’s decision

An application for review of a judicial registrar’s decision can be made to the Children’s Court under the Children, Youth and Families (Children’s Court Judicial Registrars) Rules 2021.(link is external) An application for review must be filed within 14 days after the day of the judicial registrar’s determination.

More information about lodging an application for review of a judicial registrar’s decision can be obtained by contacting the registry at any venue of the Children’s Court that deals with child protection cases.