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Family Division witnesses and subpoenas

Subpoenas are legal documents compelling a witness to attend court to give evidence, or a person (or company) to produce documents for evidence.

If a party to a case wants a person to attend the court hearing to give evidence or to produce documents or other things, that party may request a witness summons be issued by the court.

The person who requests a witness summons be issued, will need to complete and present the summons to any venue of the court for it to be issued by a registrar.

Once issued, a copy of the witness summons must be provided to the person to whom it is directed within a reasonable time prior to the court hearing.

In some instances a sum of money to cover the cost of the witness attending court may need to be paid to the witness.

More information?

More information about issuing a witness summons is available from court staff at any venue of the Children’s Court that deals with child protection cases.