Chapter 4: Family - General

Page Contents
Jump to a section on this pageThis chapter commences with outlines of the functions of the Child Protection Service and the role of the Children’s Court in Child Protection in Victoria. There follows a discussion of the jurisdiction of the Family Division and the definitions of ‘child’, ‘parent’, ‘parental responsibility’ ‘contact’ and ‘protective intervention reports’. The conduct of Family Division proceedings – including the Marram-Ngala Ganbu Pilot Program, the Family Drug Treatment Court and the ways in which children can be legally represented – is then discussed as are the Court’s alternative dispute resolution mechanisms: conciliation conferences and judicial resolution conferences.
The chapter continues with a discussion of:
- the comparison between the Children’s Court and the Family Court;
- the relationship between attachment and a child’s emotional wellbeing;
- shared care of a young child;
- frequency of contact between a young child and a parent;
- the concept of cumulative harm; and
- the effect on a child of separation from the child’s primary attachment figure.
Author: former Magistrate Peter Power
Place of Publication: Melbourne, Australia
Publisher: Children's Court of Victoria
Date of Publication: 10 February 2025
Number of Pages: 96
Copyright: State of Victoria, 2020
- About the Research Materials
- Chapter 1: Acts, Rules and Regulations
- Chapter 2: Court Overview
- Chapter 3: Court Operation
Chapter 4: Family - General
- Chapter 5: Child Protection - before 1 March 2016
- Chapter 5.1: Child Protection - after 1 March 2016
- Chapter 6: Intervention Orders
- Chapter 7: Criminal - General
- Chapter 8: Criminal - Investigation
- Chapter 9: Custody and Bail
- Chapter 10: Criminal - Procedure
- Chapter 11: Sentencing
- Chapter 12: Children's Court Clinic
- Research Materials Amendments
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