Chapter 9: Custody and Bail

Page Contents
Jump to a section on this pageMost of the material in this chapter is also relevant to other Victorian courts.
This chapter commences with a summary of the major amendments to the Bail Act 1977 which came into operation in 2018. It then lists those provisions of the Bail Act and the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 which set out the duties & powers of an arresting police officer, a court and a bail justice in relation to a child who has been taken into custody. It continues with a summary of the legislative differences between bail applications for adults and those for children.
The chapter then sets out the large number of statutory exceptions to the rule that a person has a prima facie entitlement to bail, these including cases where-
- the accused is required to show exceptional circumstances;
- the accused is required to show a compelling reason;
- the prosecution has demonstrated that the accused is an unacceptable risk;
- the case is adjourned for further inquiries or pre-sentence report.
Statutory flow charts demonstrate the tests which a bail decision maker must apply in various circumstances to decide whether to grant bail to a person. Numerous cases are discussed to demonstrate the application of the above tests, including cases illustrating the relevance of Aboriginality, youth and the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006. The chapter concludes with a miscellany of matters relevant to bail, including-
- whether the principle of parity applies to bail applications;
- evidence in bail applications;
- bail undertakings, conduct conditions and sureties;
- extension, variation, revocation and breach of bail; and
- bail support programs in the Children’s Court.
Author: former Magistrate Peter Power
Place of Publication: Melbourne, Australia
Publisher: Children's Court of Victoria
Date of Publication: 21 March 2025
Number of Pages: 238
Copyright: State of Victoria, 2021
- About the Research Materials
- Chapter 1: Acts, Rules and Regulations
- Chapter 2: Court Overview
- Chapter 3: Court Operation
- Chapter 4: Family - General
- Chapter 5: Child Protection - before 1 March 2016
- Chapter 5.1: Child Protection - after 1 March 2016
- Chapter 6: Intervention Orders
- Chapter 7: Criminal - General
- Chapter 8: Criminal - Investigation
Chapter 9: Custody and Bail
- Chapter 10: Criminal - Procedure
- Chapter 11: Sentencing
- Chapter 12: Children's Court Clinic
- Research Materials Amendments
Further Resources
A quick reference tool for judicial officers and practitioners.
Children's Court Bench Book -
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AUSTLII) provides free access to Australasian legal materials. It publishes legal information and materials created by public bodies.
Australasian Legal Information Institute (AUSTLII) -
The primary source for Victorian legislation. Find Bills considered by Parliament, Acts of Parliament and statutory rules.
Victorian Legislation